The Old Granary The Old Granary, Laindon, SS15 4DB, Essex, England
Company No.OC436993
CategoryLimited Liability Partnership
Incorporated21 Apr 2021
Age3 years, 2 months, 17 days
JurisdictionEngland Wales


ACADEMY 1 PARTNERS LLP is an active limited liability partnership with number OC436993. It was incorporated 3 years, 2 months, 17 days ago, on 21 April 2021. The company address is The Old Granary The Old Granary, Laindon, SS15 4DB, Essex, England.

Company Fillings

Accounts with accounts type unaudited abridged

Date: 02 Jul 2024

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2023-09-30


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Confirmation statement with no updates

Date: 23 Apr 2024

Action Date: 20 Apr 2024

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: LLCS01

Made up date: 2024-04-20


View document PDF

Change account reference date limited liability partnership previous shortened

Date: 04 Jan 2024

Action Date: 30 Sep 2023

Category: Accounts

Type: LLAA01

Made up date: 2023-12-31

New date: 2023-09-30


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 21 Dec 2023

Action Date: 31 Aug 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Holly Waldock-Cosgrove

Termination date: 2023-08-31


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 21 Dec 2023

Action Date: 31 Aug 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Ricky Simons

Termination date: 2023-08-31


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 21 Dec 2023

Action Date: 31 Aug 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Michael Engwell

Termination date: 2023-08-31


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 21 Dec 2023

Action Date: 31 Mar 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Julia Ann Kirby

Termination date: 2023-03-31


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 27 Sep 2023

Action Date: 31 Aug 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Holly Cosgrove

Termination date: 2023-08-31


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 18 Sep 2023

Action Date: 10 Oct 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Lorraine Smitham

Termination date: 2022-10-10


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 18 Sep 2023

Action Date: 31 Jul 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Gavin Murphy

Termination date: 2023-07-31


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 18 Sep 2023

Action Date: 31 Jul 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Deborah Kalambay

Termination date: 2023-07-31


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 18 Sep 2023

Action Date: 31 Jul 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Nicholas Luck

Termination date: 2023-07-31


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 18 Sep 2023

Action Date: 31 Jul 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Katrina Everest

Termination date: 2023-07-31


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 18 Sep 2023

Action Date: 31 Jul 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Darren Blackburn

Termination date: 2023-07-31


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 18 Sep 2023

Action Date: 31 Jul 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Ben Martine

Termination date: 2023-07-31


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 18 Sep 2023

Action Date: 31 Jul 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Benjamin Willmore

Termination date: 2023-07-31


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 18 Sep 2023

Action Date: 31 Jul 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: George Daniel Christou

Termination date: 2023-07-31


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 18 Sep 2023

Action Date: 30 Jun 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Malcolm Gary Craig Collins

Termination date: 2023-06-30


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 18 Sep 2023

Action Date: 31 Jul 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Georgia Mercer

Termination date: 2023-07-31


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 18 Sep 2023

Action Date: 31 Jul 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Nimo Farah

Termination date: 2023-07-31


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 18 Sep 2023

Action Date: 31 Jul 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Claudio Gomes

Termination date: 2023-07-31


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 18 Sep 2023

Action Date: 31 Jul 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Michelle Kubeyinje

Termination date: 2023-07-31


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 18 Sep 2023

Action Date: 11 Apr 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Mary Blair Roberts

Termination date: 2023-04-11


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 18 Sep 2023

Action Date: 31 Mar 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Jayne Charles

Termination date: 2023-03-31


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 18 Sep 2023

Action Date: 31 Mar 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Mitchell Joiner

Termination date: 2023-03-31


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 18 Sep 2023

Action Date: 13 Jul 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Eli Justin Benoit

Termination date: 2023-07-13


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 31 Jul 2023

Action Date: 18 Jul 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Sharon Hummerston

Termination date: 2023-07-18


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 31 Jul 2023

Action Date: 18 Jul 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Michele Powell

Termination date: 2023-07-18


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Accounts with accounts type unaudited abridged

Date: 14 Jun 2023

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2022-12-31


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Confirmation statement with no updates

Date: 04 May 2023

Action Date: 20 Apr 2023

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: LLCS01

Made up date: 2023-04-20


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 25 Apr 2023

Action Date: 05 Sep 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Nicholas Luck

Appointment date: 2022-09-05


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 25 Apr 2023

Action Date: 05 Sep 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mrs Michele Powell

Appointment date: 2022-09-05


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 25 Apr 2023

Action Date: 28 Nov 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mrs Mary Blair Roberts

Appointment date: 2022-11-28


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 25 Apr 2023

Action Date: 10 Oct 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Ms Lorraine Smitham

Appointment date: 2022-10-10


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 25 Apr 2023

Action Date: 02 Nov 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Ms Katrina Everest

Appointment date: 2022-11-02


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 25 Apr 2023

Action Date: 01 Jul 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mrs Holly Cosgrove

Appointment date: 2021-07-01


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 25 Apr 2023

Action Date: 07 Nov 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Gavin Murphy

Appointment date: 2022-11-07


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 25 Apr 2023

Action Date: 03 Jan 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Ms Deborah Kalambay

Appointment date: 2023-01-03


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 25 Apr 2023

Action Date: 14 Oct 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Sara Megan

Termination date: 2022-10-14


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 25 Apr 2023

Action Date: 31 Oct 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Tom Hughes

Termination date: 2022-10-31


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 25 Apr 2023

Action Date: 30 Oct 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Michael Reed

Termination date: 2022-10-30


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 25 Apr 2023

Action Date: 28 Feb 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Linda Vaughan

Termination date: 2023-02-28


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 25 Apr 2023

Action Date: 31 Jul 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Lewis Dallas

Termination date: 2022-07-31


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 25 Apr 2023

Action Date: 20 Apr 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Lee Hughes

Termination date: 2022-04-20


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 25 Apr 2023

Action Date: 27 May 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Kevin Head

Termination date: 2022-05-27


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 25 Apr 2023

Action Date: 27 May 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: James Francis Roach

Termination date: 2022-05-27


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 25 Apr 2023

Action Date: 31 Dec 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: James Vaughan

Termination date: 2022-12-31


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 25 Apr 2023

Action Date: 28 Feb 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Glenn Pennyfather

Termination date: 2023-02-28


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 25 Apr 2023

Action Date: 14 Apr 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Abbie Hamilton

Termination date: 2022-04-14


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 25 Apr 2023

Action Date: 31 Jul 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Aaron Quinn

Termination date: 2022-07-31


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Accounts with accounts type unaudited abridged

Date: 13 Sep 2022

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2021-12-31


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 06 Sep 2022

Action Date: 01 Aug 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr James Vaughan

Appointment date: 2022-08-01


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 06 Sep 2022

Action Date: 28 Feb 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Oluwatobi Oluwole

Termination date: 2022-02-28


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 11 Aug 2022

Action Date: 06 Jun 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Ms Jayne Charles

Appointment date: 2022-06-06


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 11 Aug 2022

Action Date: 25 Jul 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Ben Martine

Appointment date: 2022-07-25


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 14 Jul 2022

Action Date: 01 May 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Mitchell Joiner

Appointment date: 2022-05-01


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 14 Jul 2022

Action Date: 01 Jun 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mrs Linda Vaughan

Appointment date: 2022-06-01


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 07 Jul 2022

Action Date: 31 May 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Lewis Thompson

Termination date: 2022-05-31


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 07 Jun 2022

Action Date: 30 Sep 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Jason Morrison

Termination date: 2021-09-30


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 07 Jun 2022

Action Date: 03 May 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Darren Blackburn

Appointment date: 2022-05-03


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 09 May 2022

Action Date: 02 Sep 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Ms Michelle Kubeyinje

Appointment date: 2021-09-02


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 09 May 2022

Action Date: 01 Nov 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Lewis Thompson

Appointment date: 2021-11-01


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 09 May 2022

Action Date: 03 Oct 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Malcolm Gary Craig Collins

Appointment date: 2021-10-03


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Confirmation statement with no updates

Date: 05 May 2022

Action Date: 20 Apr 2022

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: LLCS01

Made up date: 2022-04-20


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 05 Apr 2022

Action Date: 01 Feb 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Ms Georgia Mercer

Appointment date: 2022-02-01


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Change to a person with significant control limited liability partnership

Date: 05 Apr 2022

Action Date: 05 Apr 2022

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Change

Type: LLPSC04

Change date: 2022-04-05

Psc name: Mr Paul Alan Vaughan


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Change to a person with significant control limited liability partnership

Date: 05 Apr 2022

Action Date: 05 Apr 2022

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Change

Type: LLPSC04

Change date: 2022-04-05

Psc name: Stacey Beckham


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 05 Apr 2022

Action Date: 14 Feb 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Tom Hughes

Appointment date: 2022-02-14


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 05 Apr 2022

Action Date: 01 Mar 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Ricky Simons

Appointment date: 2022-03-01


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 05 Apr 2022

Action Date: 01 Feb 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Ms Nimo Farah

Appointment date: 2022-02-01


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 05 Apr 2022

Action Date: 01 Feb 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Ms Julia Ann Kirby

Appointment date: 2022-02-01


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 05 Apr 2022

Action Date: 01 Mar 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr James Francis Roach

Appointment date: 2022-03-01


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 05 Apr 2022

Action Date: 01 Jul 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Ms Holly Waldock-Cosgrove

Appointment date: 2021-07-01


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 05 Apr 2022

Action Date: 01 Feb 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr George Daniel Christou

Appointment date: 2022-02-01


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 05 Apr 2022

Action Date: 01 Feb 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Ms Claudio Gomes

Appointment date: 2022-02-01


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 05 Apr 2022

Action Date: 01 Feb 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Benjamin Willmore

Appointment date: 2022-02-01


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 05 Apr 2022

Action Date: 15 Nov 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Ms Abbie Hamilton

Appointment date: 2021-11-15


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Change account reference date limited liability partnership previous shortened

Date: 07 Jan 2022

Action Date: 31 Dec 2021

Category: Accounts

Type: LLAA01

Made up date: 2022-06-30

New date: 2021-12-31


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 08 Sep 2021

Action Date: 01 Jul 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Sharon Hummerston

Appointment date: 2021-07-01


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 08 Sep 2021

Action Date: 16 Aug 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Ms Sara Megan

Appointment date: 2021-08-16


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 08 Sep 2021

Action Date: 01 Jun 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Lee Hughes

Appointment date: 2021-06-01


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 08 Sep 2021

Action Date: 01 Jul 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Glenn Pennyfather

Appointment date: 2021-07-01


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 28 Jul 2021

Action Date: 01 Jun 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Oluwatobi Oluwole

Appointment date: 2021-06-01


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 28 Jul 2021

Action Date: 01 Jun 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Michael Reed

Appointment date: 2021-06-01


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 28 Jul 2021

Action Date: 01 Jun 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Michael Engwell

Appointment date: 2021-06-01


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 28 Jul 2021

Action Date: 01 Jun 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Lewis Dallas

Appointment date: 2021-06-01


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 28 Jul 2021

Action Date: 01 Jun 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Kevin Head

Appointment date: 2021-06-01


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 28 Jul 2021

Action Date: 01 Jun 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Jason Morrison

Appointment date: 2021-06-01


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 28 Jul 2021

Action Date: 01 Jun 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Aaron Quinn

Appointment date: 2021-06-01


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 28 Jul 2021

Action Date: 01 Jun 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Eli Justin Benoit

Appointment date: 2021-06-01


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Change account reference date limited liability partnership current extended

Date: 01 Jul 2021

Action Date: 30 Jun 2022

Category: Accounts

Type: LLAA01

Made up date: 2021-12-31

New date: 2022-06-30


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Change account reference date limited liability partnership current shortened

Date: 17 Jun 2021

Action Date: 31 Dec 2021

Category: Accounts

Type: LLAA01

Made up date: 2022-04-30

New date: 2021-12-31


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Incorporation limited liability partnership

Date: 21 Apr 2021

Category: Incorporation

Type: LLIN01


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