Floor 18 100 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 1GT, United Kingdom
Company No.OC363852
CategoryLimited Liability Partnership
Incorporated14 Apr 2011
Age13 years, 2 months, 19 days
JurisdictionEngland Wales


IPAYLINKS UK LLP is an active limited liability partnership with number OC363852. It was incorporated 13 years, 2 months, 19 days ago, on 14 April 2011. The company address is Floor 18 100 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 1GT, United Kingdom.

Company Fillings

Confirmation statement with no updates

Date: 18 Apr 2024

Action Date: 09 Apr 2024

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: LLCS01

Made up date: 2024-04-09


View document PDF

Accounts with accounts type total exemption full

Date: 27 Jan 2024

Action Date: 30 Apr 2023

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2023-04-30


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 13 Sep 2023

Action Date: 12 Sep 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Daqi Luo

Termination date: 2023-09-12


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 29 Jun 2023

Action Date: 20 Jun 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Ye Song

Appointment date: 2023-06-20


View document PDF

Confirmation statement with no updates

Date: 17 Apr 2023

Action Date: 09 Apr 2023

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: LLCS01

Made up date: 2023-04-09


View document PDF

Accounts with accounts type total exemption full

Date: 31 Jan 2023

Action Date: 30 Apr 2022

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2022-04-30


View document PDF

Change person member limited liability partnership with name change date

Date: 07 Sep 2022

Action Date: 07 Sep 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: LLCH01

Change date: 2022-09-07

Officer name: Mr Daqi Luo


View document PDF

Change person member limited liability partnership with name change date

Date: 07 Sep 2022

Action Date: 07 Sep 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: LLCH01

Change date: 2022-09-07

Officer name: Mr Daqi Luo


View document PDF

Confirmation statement with no updates

Date: 12 Apr 2022

Action Date: 09 Apr 2022

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: LLCS01

Made up date: 2022-04-09


View document PDF

Change corporate member limited liability partnership with name change date

Date: 12 Apr 2022

Action Date: 10 Apr 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: LLCH02

Change date: 2021-04-10

Officer name: Paylinks Limited


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 08 Apr 2022

Action Date: 24 Feb 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Kaiming Liao

Termination date: 2022-02-24


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 20 Dec 2021

Action Date: 20 Dec 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Daqi Luo

Appointment date: 2021-12-20


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Accounts with accounts type total exemption full

Date: 15 Oct 2021

Action Date: 30 Apr 2021

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2021-04-30


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Confirmation statement with no updates

Date: 19 Apr 2021

Action Date: 09 Apr 2021

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: LLCS01

Made up date: 2021-04-09


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Accounts with accounts type total exemption full

Date: 16 Dec 2020

Action Date: 30 Apr 2020

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2020-04-30


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Miscellaneous limited liability partnership

Date: 15 Oct 2020

Category: Miscellaneous


Description: Statement of fact - name correction - incorrect name - ipaylinks LLP - correct name - ipaylinks uk LLP


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Change of name notice limited liability partnership

Date: 07 Oct 2020

Category: Change-of-name

Type: LLNM01


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Certificate change of name company

Date: 07 Oct 2020

Category: Change-of-name

Sub Category: Certificate


Description: Company name changed talbot fx LLP\certificate issued on 07/10/20


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Change to a person with significant control limited liability partnership

Date: 04 Aug 2020

Action Date: 04 Aug 2020

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Change

Type: LLPSC04

Change date: 2020-08-04

Psc name: Mr Guogang Zhen


View document PDF

Change person member limited liability partnership with name change date

Date: 04 Aug 2020

Action Date: 04 Aug 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: LLCH01

Change date: 2020-08-04

Officer name: Mr Guogang Zhen


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 03 Aug 2020

Action Date: 03 Aug 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Kaiming Liao

Appointment date: 2020-08-03


View document PDF

Appoint corporate member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 03 Aug 2020

Action Date: 03 Aug 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP02

Officer name: Paylinks Limited

Appointment date: 2020-08-03


View document PDF

Notification of a person with significant control limited liability partnership

Date: 03 Aug 2020

Action Date: 03 Aug 2020

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Notifications

Type: LLPSC01

Psc name: Guogang Zhen

Notification date: 2020-08-03


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 03 Aug 2020

Action Date: 03 Aug 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Guogang Zhen

Appointment date: 2020-08-03


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 03 Aug 2020

Action Date: 03 Aug 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Ipl Capital Limited

Termination date: 2020-08-03


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 03 Aug 2020

Action Date: 03 Aug 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Wai Zhuan Tang

Termination date: 2020-08-03


View document PDF

Cessation of a person with significant control limited liability partnership

Date: 03 Aug 2020

Action Date: 03 Aug 2020

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLPSC07

Psc name: Wai Zhuan Tang

Cessation date: 2020-08-03


View document PDF

Change registered office address limited liability partnership with date old address new address

Date: 26 Jun 2020

Action Date: 26 Jun 2020

Category: Address

Type: LLAD01

Change date: 2020-06-26

Old address: 100 Old Broad Street London EC2M 1GT England

New address: Floor 18 100 Bishopsgate London EC2M 1GT


View document PDF

Change registered office address limited liability partnership with date old address new address

Date: 25 Jun 2020

Action Date: 25 Jun 2020

Category: Address

Type: LLAD01

Change date: 2020-06-25

Old address: 1 London Road Arundel West Sussex BN18 9BH England

New address: 100 Old Broad Street London EC2M 1GT


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 25 Jun 2020

Action Date: 24 Mar 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Ian Hugh William Van Stratum

Termination date: 2020-03-24


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Confirmation statement with no updates

Date: 21 Apr 2020

Action Date: 09 Apr 2020

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: LLCS01

Made up date: 2020-04-09


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Accounts with accounts type total exemption full

Date: 08 Jan 2020

Action Date: 30 Apr 2019

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2019-04-30


View document PDF

Change registered office address limited liability partnership with date old address new address

Date: 06 Dec 2019

Action Date: 06 Dec 2019

Category: Address

Type: LLAD01

Change date: 2019-12-06

Old address: Becket House 4th Floor Upper Mezzanine 36 Old Jewry London EC2R 8DD England

New address: 1 London Road Arundel West Sussex BN18 9BH


View document PDF

Confirmation statement with no updates

Date: 09 Apr 2019

Action Date: 09 Apr 2019

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: LLCS01

Made up date: 2019-04-09


View document PDF

Notification of a person with significant control limited liability partnership

Date: 09 Apr 2019

Action Date: 29 Mar 2019

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Notifications

Type: LLPSC01

Psc name: Wai Zhuan Tang

Notification date: 2019-03-29


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Cessation of a person with significant control limited liability partnership

Date: 09 Apr 2019

Action Date: 29 Mar 2019

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLPSC07

Psc name: Him Shun Sam Ho

Cessation date: 2019-03-29


View document PDF

Appoint corporate member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 08 Apr 2019

Action Date: 29 Mar 2019

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP02

Officer name: Ipl Capital Limited

Appointment date: 2019-03-29


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 08 Apr 2019

Action Date: 29 Mar 2019

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Wai Zhuan Tang

Appointment date: 2019-03-29


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 08 Apr 2019

Action Date: 29 Mar 2019

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Him Shun Sam Ho

Termination date: 2019-03-29


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 08 Apr 2019

Action Date: 29 Mar 2019

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Data Elite Global Limited

Termination date: 2019-03-29


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Accounts with accounts type micro entity

Date: 14 Dec 2018

Action Date: 30 Apr 2018

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2018-04-30


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Confirmation statement with no updates

Date: 17 May 2018

Action Date: 14 Apr 2018

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: LLCS01

Made up date: 2018-04-14


View document PDF

Cessation of a person with significant control limited liability partnership

Date: 21 Feb 2018

Action Date: 19 Dec 2017

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLPSC07

Psc name: Talbot Capital Ltd

Cessation date: 2017-12-19


View document PDF

Notification of a person with significant control limited liability partnership

Date: 21 Feb 2018

Action Date: 19 Dec 2017

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Notifications

Type: LLPSC01

Psc name: Him Shun Sam Ho

Notification date: 2017-12-19


View document PDF

Change registered office address limited liability partnership with date old address new address

Date: 05 Feb 2018

Action Date: 05 Feb 2018

Category: Address

Type: LLAD01

Change date: 2018-02-05

Old address: 1 London Road Top Floor Arundel BN18 9BH England

New address: Becket House 4th Floor Upper Mezzanine 36 Old Jewry London EC2R 8DD


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Change registered office address limited liability partnership with date old address new address

Date: 30 Jan 2018

Action Date: 30 Jan 2018

Category: Address

Type: LLAD01

Change date: 2018-01-30

Old address: Becket House 4th Floor , Upper Mezzanine 36 Old Jewry London EC2R 8DD England

New address: 1 London Road Top Floor Arundel BN18 9BH


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Accounts with accounts type micro entity

Date: 04 Jan 2018

Action Date: 30 Apr 2017

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2017-04-30


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 20 Dec 2017

Action Date: 19 Dec 2017

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Talbot Capital Ltd

Termination date: 2017-12-19


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 20 Dec 2017

Action Date: 19 Dec 2017

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Cpa Audit Corporate Services Limited

Termination date: 2017-12-19


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Appoint corporate member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 20 Dec 2017

Action Date: 19 Dec 2017

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP02

Officer name: Data Elite Global Limited

Appointment date: 2017-12-19


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 20 Dec 2017

Action Date: 19 Dec 2017

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Him Shun Sam Ho

Appointment date: 2017-12-19


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 20 Dec 2017

Action Date: 19 Dec 2017

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Ian Hugh William Van Stratum

Appointment date: 2017-12-19


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Confirmation statement with updates

Date: 25 Apr 2017

Action Date: 14 Apr 2017

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: LLCS01

Made up date: 2017-04-14


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Accounts with accounts type total exemption small

Date: 03 Oct 2016

Action Date: 30 Apr 2016

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2016-04-30


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Mortgage satisfy charge full limited liability partnership

Date: 30 Jun 2016

Category: Mortgage

Sub Category: Satisfy

Type: LLMR04

Charge number: 1


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Annual return limited liability partnership with made up date

Date: 12 May 2016

Action Date: 14 Apr 2016

Category: Annual-return

Type: LLAR01

Made up date: 2016-04-14


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Accounts with accounts type total exemption full

Date: 27 Jan 2016

Action Date: 30 Apr 2015

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2015-04-30


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Change corporate member limited liability partnership with name change date

Date: 08 Sep 2015

Action Date: 01 Feb 2015

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: LLCH02

Change date: 2015-02-01

Officer name: Cpa Audit Corporate Services Limited


View document PDF

Change registered office address limited liability partnership with date old address new address

Date: 07 Sep 2015

Action Date: 07 Sep 2015

Category: Address

Type: LLAD01

Change date: 2015-09-07

Old address: Becket House 36 Old Jewry 4th Floor Upper Mezzanine London EC2R 8DD England

New address: Becket House 4th Floor , Upper Mezzanine 36 Old Jewry London EC2R 8DD


View document PDF

Change registered office address limited liability partnership with date old address new address

Date: 09 Jun 2015

Action Date: 09 Jun 2015

Category: Address

Type: LLAD01

Change date: 2015-06-09

Old address: Becket House 36 Old Jewry London EC2R 8DD

New address: Becket House 36 Old Jewry 4th Floor Upper Mezzanine London EC2R 8DD


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Mortgage charge whole release with charge number limited liability partnership

Date: 09 Jun 2015

Category: Mortgage

Sub Category: Release-cease

Type: LLMR05

Charge number: 1


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Annual return limited liability partnership with made up date

Date: 22 May 2015

Action Date: 14 Apr 2015

Category: Annual-return

Type: LLAR01

Made up date: 2015-04-14


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Change corporate member limited liability partnership with name change date

Date: 22 May 2015

Action Date: 01 Feb 2015

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: LLCH02

Change date: 2015-02-01

Officer name: Cpa Audit Corporate Services Limited


View document PDF

Change corporate member limited liability partnership with name change date

Date: 22 May 2015

Action Date: 01 Feb 2015

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: LLCH02

Change date: 2015-02-01

Officer name: Talbot Capital Ltd


View document PDF

Change registered office address limited liability partnership with date old address new address

Date: 29 Jan 2015

Action Date: 29 Jan 2015

Category: Address

Type: LLAD01

Change date: 2015-01-29

Old address: Talbot House 8-9 Talbot Court London EC3V 0BP

New address: Becket House 36 Old Jewry London EC2R 8DD


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Accounts with accounts type total exemption small

Date: 30 Sep 2014

Action Date: 30 Apr 2014

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2014-04-30


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name termination date

Date: 22 Aug 2014

Action Date: 31 Jul 2014

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Stuart Rex

Termination date: 2014-07-31


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Appoint corporate member limited liability partnership with appointment date

Date: 22 Aug 2014

Action Date: 31 Jul 2014

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP02

Officer name: Cpa Audit Corporate Services Limited

Appointment date: 2014-07-31


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Annual return limited liability partnership with made up date

Date: 14 May 2014

Action Date: 14 Apr 2014

Category: Annual-return

Type: LLAR01

Made up date: 2014-04-14


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Accounts with accounts type total exemption small

Date: 24 Jan 2014

Action Date: 30 Apr 2013

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2013-04-30


View document PDF

Annual return limited liability partnership with made up date

Date: 13 May 2013

Action Date: 14 Apr 2013

Category: Annual-return

Type: LLAR01

Made up date: 2013-04-14


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name

Date: 07 May 2013

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Gradient Advisory Ltd


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Change person member limited liability partnership with name change date

Date: 07 May 2013

Action Date: 24 Apr 2013

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: LLCH01

Change date: 2013-04-24

Officer name: Mr Stuart Rex


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Accounts with accounts type total exemption small

Date: 08 Jan 2013

Action Date: 30 Apr 2012

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2012-04-30


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name

Date: 16 Nov 2012

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Rayhan Ghandi


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name

Date: 16 Nov 2012

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Edward Gay


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership

Date: 29 May 2012

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Edward Michael James Gay


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Annual return limited liability partnership with made up date

Date: 11 May 2012

Action Date: 14 Apr 2012

Category: Annual-return

Type: LLAR01

Made up date: 2012-04-14


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership

Date: 05 Apr 2012

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Rayhan Ghandi


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name

Date: 05 Apr 2012

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Caspar Van Roon


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Date: 21 Feb 2012

Category: Mortgage

Type: LLMG01

Description: Particulars of a mortgage or charge in respect of a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP / charge no: 1


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Termination member limited liability partnership with name

Date: 20 Feb 2012

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Sameer Yousuf


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Appoint person member limited liability partnership

Date: 19 Jul 2011

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Caspar Van Roon


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership

Date: 19 Jul 2011

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Sameer Yousuf


View document PDF

Appoint person member limited liability partnership

Date: 19 Jul 2011

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP01

Officer name: Mr Stuart Rex


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name

Date: 10 May 2011

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Gradient Advisory Limited


View document PDF

Change corporate member limited liability partnership with name change date

Date: 10 May 2011

Action Date: 03 May 2011

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: LLCH02

Change date: 2011-05-03

Officer name: Talbot Capital Ltd


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Appoint corporate member limited liability partnership

Date: 05 May 2011

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP02

Officer name: Talbot Capital Ltd


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name

Date: 05 May 2011

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Dominic Grantham


View document PDF

Appoint corporate member limited liability partnership

Date: 04 May 2011

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: LLAP02

Officer name: Gradient Advisory Limited


View document PDF

Termination member limited liability partnership with name

Date: 04 May 2011

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: LLTM01

Officer name: Dominic Grantham


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Incorporation limited liability partnership

Date: 14 Apr 2011

Category: Incorporation

Type: LLIN01


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Some Companies



Category:Private Limited Company



Category:Private Limited Company



Category:PRI/LTD BY GUAR/NSC (Private, limited by guarantee, no share capital)



Category:Private Limited Company



Category:Private Limited Company



Category:Private Limited Company

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