Unit 1c, 55 Forest Road, Leicester, LE5 0BT, England
Company No.09767356
CategoryPrivate Limited Company
Incorporated08 Sep 2015
Age8 years, 9 months, 29 days
JurisdictionEngland Wales


OWLTHORPE LTD is an active private limited company with number 09767356. It was incorporated 8 years, 9 months, 29 days ago, on 08 September 2015. The company address is Unit 1c, 55 Forest Road, Leicester, LE5 0BT, England.

Company Fillings

Accounts with accounts type micro entity

Date: 10 Apr 2024

Action Date: 30 Sep 2023

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2023-09-30


View document PDF

Confirmation statement with updates

Date: 18 Aug 2023

Action Date: 13 Aug 2023

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: CS01

Made up date: 2023-08-13


View document PDF

Accounts with accounts type micro entity

Date: 13 May 2023

Action Date: 30 Sep 2022

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2022-09-30


View document PDF

Change to a person with significant control

Date: 22 Nov 2022

Action Date: 16 Nov 2022

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Change

Type: PSC04

Change date: 2022-11-16

Psc name: Mr Mohammed Ayyaz


View document PDF

Change person director company with change date

Date: 21 Nov 2022

Action Date: 16 Nov 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: CH01

Change date: 2022-11-16

Officer name: Mr Mohammed Ayyaz


View document PDF

Change person director company with change date

Date: 21 Nov 2022

Action Date: 21 Nov 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: CH01

Change date: 2022-11-21

Officer name: Mr Mohammed Ayyaz


View document PDF

Change to a person with significant control

Date: 21 Nov 2022

Action Date: 21 Nov 2022

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Change

Type: PSC04

Change date: 2022-11-21

Psc name: Mr Mohammed Ayyaz


View document PDF

Change registered office address company with date old address new address

Date: 10 Nov 2022

Action Date: 10 Nov 2022

Category: Address

Type: AD01

Change date: 2022-11-10

Old address: 191 Washington Street Bradford BD8 9QP United Kingdom

New address: Unit 1C, 55 Forest Road Leicester LE5 0BT


View document PDF

Change registered office address company with date old address new address

Date: 14 Sep 2022

Action Date: 14 Sep 2022

Category: Address

Type: AD01

Change date: 2022-09-14

Old address: 26a the Broadway Greenford UB6 9PT United Kingdom

New address: 191 Washington Street Bradford BD8 9QP


View document PDF

Notification of a person with significant control

Date: 14 Sep 2022

Action Date: 06 Sep 2022

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Notifications

Type: PSC01

Psc name: Mohammed Ayyaz

Notification date: 2022-09-06


View document PDF

Cessation of a person with significant control

Date: 14 Sep 2022

Action Date: 06 Sep 2022

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Termination

Type: PSC07

Psc name: Maksym Bogdanov

Cessation date: 2022-09-06


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 14 Sep 2022

Action Date: 06 Sep 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Mohammed Ayyaz

Appointment date: 2022-09-06


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 14 Sep 2022

Action Date: 06 Sep 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Maksym Bogdanov

Termination date: 2022-09-06


View document PDF

Confirmation statement with updates

Date: 22 Aug 2022

Action Date: 13 Aug 2022

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: CS01

Made up date: 2022-08-13


View document PDF

Accounts with accounts type micro entity

Date: 11 May 2022

Action Date: 30 Sep 2021

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2021-09-30


View document PDF

Change registered office address company with date old address new address

Date: 21 Sep 2021

Action Date: 21 Sep 2021

Category: Address

Type: AD01

Change date: 2021-09-21

Old address: 52 Padbury Close Bedfont Feltham TW14 8SW United Kingdom

New address: 26a the Broadway Greenford UB6 9PT


View document PDF

Notification of a person with significant control

Date: 21 Sep 2021

Action Date: 08 Sep 2021

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Notifications

Type: PSC01

Psc name: Maksym Bogdanov

Notification date: 2021-09-08


View document PDF

Cessation of a person with significant control

Date: 21 Sep 2021

Action Date: 08 Sep 2021

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Termination

Type: PSC07

Psc name: Victor Barros

Cessation date: 2021-09-08


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 21 Sep 2021

Action Date: 08 Sep 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Maksym Bogdanov

Appointment date: 2021-09-08


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 21 Sep 2021

Action Date: 08 Sep 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Victor Barros

Termination date: 2021-09-08


View document PDF

Confirmation statement with updates

Date: 27 Aug 2021

Action Date: 13 Aug 2021

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: CS01

Made up date: 2021-08-13


View document PDF

Change registered office address company with date old address new address

Date: 07 Jun 2021

Action Date: 07 Jun 2021

Category: Address

Type: AD01

Change date: 2021-06-07

Old address: 25 Rowlestone Rise Bradford BD10 0DS United Kingdom

New address: 52 Padbury Close Bedfont Feltham TW14 8SW


View document PDF

Notification of a person with significant control

Date: 07 Jun 2021

Action Date: 27 Oct 2020

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Notifications

Type: PSC01

Psc name: Victor Barros

Notification date: 2020-10-27


View document PDF

Accounts with accounts type micro entity

Date: 04 Jun 2021

Action Date: 30 Sep 2020

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2020-09-30


View document PDF

Cessation of a person with significant control

Date: 20 Nov 2020

Action Date: 27 Oct 2020

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Termination

Type: PSC07

Psc name: Marc Halstead

Cessation date: 2020-10-27


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 20 Nov 2020

Action Date: 27 Oct 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Victor Barros

Appointment date: 2020-10-27


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 20 Nov 2020

Action Date: 27 Oct 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Marc Halstead

Termination date: 2020-10-27


View document PDF

Confirmation statement with updates

Date: 10 Sep 2020

Action Date: 13 Aug 2020

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: CS01

Made up date: 2020-08-13


View document PDF

Change registered office address company with date old address new address

Date: 03 Sep 2020

Action Date: 03 Sep 2020

Category: Address

Type: AD01

Change date: 2020-09-03

Old address: 56 Rossett Street Liverpool L6 4AW United Kingdom

New address: 25 Rowlestone Rise Bradford BD10 0DS


View document PDF

Notification of a person with significant control

Date: 03 Sep 2020

Action Date: 19 Aug 2020

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Notifications

Type: PSC01

Psc name: Marc Halstead

Notification date: 2020-08-19


View document PDF

Cessation of a person with significant control

Date: 03 Sep 2020

Action Date: 19 Aug 2020

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Termination

Type: PSC07

Psc name: Lee Martin Rutland

Cessation date: 2020-08-19


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 03 Sep 2020

Action Date: 19 Aug 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Marc Halstead

Appointment date: 2020-08-19


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 03 Sep 2020

Action Date: 19 Aug 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Lee Martin Rutland

Termination date: 2020-08-19


View document PDF

Accounts with accounts type micro entity

Date: 29 May 2020

Action Date: 30 Sep 2019

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2019-09-30


View document PDF

Confirmation statement with updates

Date: 22 Aug 2019

Action Date: 13 Aug 2019

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: CS01

Made up date: 2019-08-13


View document PDF

Accounts with accounts type micro entity

Date: 28 Jun 2019

Action Date: 30 Sep 2018

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2018-09-30


View document PDF

Change registered office address company with date old address new address

Date: 08 Oct 2018

Action Date: 08 Oct 2018

Category: Address

Type: AD01

Change date: 2018-10-08

Old address: 7 Limewood Way Leeds West Yorkshire LS14 1AB England

New address: 56 Rossett Street Liverpool L6 4AW


View document PDF

Cessation of a person with significant control

Date: 08 Oct 2018

Action Date: 28 Sep 2018

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Termination

Type: PSC07

Psc name: Terry Dunne

Cessation date: 2018-09-28


View document PDF

Notification of a person with significant control

Date: 08 Oct 2018

Action Date: 28 Sep 2018

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Notifications

Type: PSC01

Psc name: Lee Martin Rutland

Notification date: 2018-09-28


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 08 Oct 2018

Action Date: 28 Sep 2018

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Terry Dunne

Termination date: 2018-09-28


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 08 Oct 2018

Action Date: 28 Sep 2018

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Lee Martin Rutland

Appointment date: 2018-09-28


View document PDF

Confirmation statement with updates

Date: 13 Aug 2018

Action Date: 13 Aug 2018

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: CS01

Made up date: 2018-08-13


View document PDF

Change registered office address company with date old address new address

Date: 29 Jun 2018

Action Date: 29 Jun 2018

Category: Address

Type: AD01

Change date: 2018-06-29

Old address: 35 Redhouse Lane Leeds West Yorkshire LS7 4RA England

New address: 7 Limewood Way Leeds West Yorkshire LS14 1AB


View document PDF

Cessation of a person with significant control

Date: 28 Jun 2018

Action Date: 05 Apr 2018

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Termination

Type: PSC07

Psc name: Alex Halalai

Cessation date: 2018-04-05


View document PDF

Notification of a person with significant control

Date: 28 Jun 2018

Action Date: 05 Apr 2018

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Notifications

Type: PSC01

Psc name: Terry Dunne

Notification date: 2018-04-05


View document PDF

Change registered office address company with date old address new address

Date: 28 Jun 2018

Action Date: 28 Jun 2018

Category: Address

Type: AD01

Change date: 2018-06-28

Old address: 44 Barnett Road Potters Bar EN6 2QU United Kingdom

New address: 35 Redhouse Lane Leeds West Yorkshire LS7 4RA


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 28 Jun 2018

Action Date: 05 Apr 2018

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Terry Dunne

Appointment date: 2018-04-05


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 28 Jun 2018

Action Date: 05 Apr 2018

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Alex Halalai

Termination date: 2018-04-05


View document PDF

Accounts with accounts type micro entity

Date: 27 Jun 2018

Action Date: 30 Sep 2017

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2017-09-30


View document PDF

Confirmation statement with updates

Date: 20 Oct 2017

Action Date: 08 Sep 2017

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: CS01

Made up date: 2017-09-08


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 25 Sep 2017

Action Date: 02 Aug 2017

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Terence Dunne

Termination date: 2017-08-02


View document PDF

Change registered office address company with date old address new address

Date: 22 Sep 2017

Action Date: 22 Sep 2017

Category: Address

Type: AD01

Change date: 2017-09-22

Old address: 7 Limewood Way Leeds West Yorkshire LS14 1AB United Kingdom

New address: 44 Barnett Road Potters Bar EN6 2QU


View document PDF

Cessation of a person with significant control

Date: 22 Sep 2017

Action Date: 09 Mar 2017

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Termination

Type: PSC07

Psc name: Salvatore Monteleone

Cessation date: 2017-03-09


View document PDF

Notification of a person with significant control

Date: 22 Sep 2017

Action Date: 02 Aug 2017

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Notifications

Type: PSC01

Psc name: Alex Halalai

Notification date: 2017-08-02


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 22 Sep 2017

Action Date: 02 Aug 2017

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Alex Halalai

Appointment date: 2017-08-02


View document PDF

Accounts with accounts type micro entity

Date: 02 Jun 2017

Action Date: 30 Sep 2016

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2016-09-30


View document PDF

Change person director company with change date

Date: 16 Mar 2017

Action Date: 16 Mar 2017

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: CH01

Change date: 2017-03-16

Officer name: Terence Dunne


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 09 Mar 2017

Action Date: 09 Mar 2017

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Salvatore Monteleone

Termination date: 2017-03-09


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 09 Mar 2017

Action Date: 09 Mar 2017

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Terence Dunne

Appointment date: 2017-03-09


View document PDF

Change registered office address company with date old address new address

Date: 09 Mar 2017

Action Date: 09 Mar 2017

Category: Address

Type: AD01

Change date: 2017-03-09

Old address: Apartment 12 Verotex House 9 John Street Rochdale OL16 2HS United Kingdom

New address: 7 Limewood Way Leeds West Yorkshire LS14 1AB


View document PDF

Confirmation statement with updates

Date: 04 Oct 2016

Action Date: 07 Sep 2016

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: CS01

Made up date: 2016-09-07


View document PDF

Change registered office address company with date old address new address

Date: 26 Jul 2016

Action Date: 26 Jul 2016

Category: Address

Type: AD01

Change date: 2016-07-26

Old address: 24 Greenview Drive Rochdale OL11 5YQ United Kingdom

New address: Apartment 12 Verotex House 9 John Street Rochdale OL16 2HS


View document PDF

Change person director company with change date

Date: 26 Jul 2016

Action Date: 19 Jul 2016

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: CH01

Change date: 2016-07-19

Officer name: Salvatore Monteleone


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 04 May 2016

Action Date: 25 Apr 2016

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Michael Ridley

Termination date: 2016-04-25


View document PDF

Change registered office address company with date old address new address

Date: 04 May 2016

Action Date: 04 May 2016

Category: Address

Type: AD01

Change date: 2016-05-04

Old address: 9 Lyall Gardens, Rubery Rednal Birmingham B45 9YW United Kingdom

New address: 24 Greenview Drive Rochdale OL11 5YQ


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 04 May 2016

Action Date: 25 Apr 2016

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Salvatore Monteleone

Appointment date: 2016-04-25


View document PDF

Change registered office address company with date old address new address

Date: 08 Apr 2016

Action Date: 08 Apr 2016

Category: Address

Type: AD01

Change date: 2016-04-08

Old address: 88 Caerau Court Caerdydd CF5 5JE United Kingdom

New address: 9 Lyall Gardens, Rubery Rednal Birmingham B45 9YW


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 08 Apr 2016

Action Date: 01 Apr 2016

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Dean Mccarthy

Termination date: 2016-04-01


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 08 Apr 2016

Action Date: 01 Apr 2016

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Michael Ridley

Appointment date: 2016-04-01


View document PDF

Change registered office address company with date old address new address

Date: 25 Nov 2015

Action Date: 25 Nov 2015

Category: Address

Type: AD01

Change date: 2015-11-25

Old address: 7 Limewood Way Leeds West Yorkshire LS14 1AB United Kingdom

New address: 88 Caerau Court Caerdydd CF5 5JE


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 25 Nov 2015

Action Date: 05 Nov 2015

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Terence Dunne

Termination date: 2015-11-05


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 25 Nov 2015

Action Date: 05 Nov 2015

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Dean Mccarthy

Appointment date: 2015-11-05


View document PDF

Incorporation company

Date: 08 Sep 2015

Category: Incorporation



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Some Companies



Category:Private Limited Company



Category:Private Limited Company



Category:Private Limited Company



Category:Private Limited Company



Category:Private Limited Company



Category:Limited Liability Partnership

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