Floor 9 Townend House Floor 9 Townend House, Walsall, WS1 1NS, West Midlands, England
Company No.04560776
CategoryPrivate Limited Company
Incorporated11 Oct 2002
Age21 years, 8 months, 24 days
JurisdictionEngland Wales


STARTING POINT RECRUITMENT LIMITED is an active private limited company with number 04560776. It was incorporated 21 years, 8 months, 24 days ago, on 11 October 2002. The company address is Floor 9 Townend House Floor 9 Townend House, Walsall, WS1 1NS, West Midlands, England.

Company Fillings

Termination secretary company with name termination date

Date: 23 Feb 2024

Action Date: 23 Feb 2024

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM02

Officer name: Mireille Louise Harris

Termination date: 2024-02-23


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Appoint person secretary company with name date

Date: 14 Feb 2024

Action Date: 08 Feb 2024

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP03

Officer name: Mrs Margaret Blizzard

Appointment date: 2024-02-08


View document PDF

Mortgage create with deed with charge number charge creation date

Date: 31 Jan 2024

Action Date: 31 Jan 2024

Category: Mortgage

Sub Category: Create

Type: MR01

Charge number: 045607760001

Charge creation date: 2024-01-31


View document PDF

Accounts with accounts type small

Date: 16 Jan 2024

Action Date: 31 Mar 2023

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2023-03-31


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 06 Nov 2023

Action Date: 06 Nov 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Jamie Naish

Appointment date: 2023-11-06


View document PDF

Change registered office address company with date old address new address

Date: 06 Nov 2023

Action Date: 06 Nov 2023

Category: Address

Type: AD01

Change date: 2023-11-06

Old address: Floor 6 Townend House Park Street Walsall West Midlands WS1 1NS England

New address: Floor 9 Townend House Park Street Walsall West Midlands WS1 1NS


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 06 Nov 2023

Action Date: 06 Nov 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Sarah Ann Stocks

Termination date: 2023-11-06


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 06 Nov 2023

Action Date: 06 Nov 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Kathryn Craigie

Termination date: 2023-11-06


View document PDF

Confirmation statement with no updates

Date: 26 Oct 2023

Action Date: 10 Oct 2023

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: CS01

Made up date: 2023-10-10


View document PDF

Appoint person secretary company with name date

Date: 24 Aug 2023

Action Date: 24 Aug 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP03

Officer name: Mrs Mireille Louise Harris

Appointment date: 2023-08-24


View document PDF

Termination secretary company with name termination date

Date: 24 Aug 2023

Action Date: 14 Aug 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM02

Officer name: Crystina Zoe Woolley

Termination date: 2023-08-14


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 10 Jul 2023

Action Date: 10 Jul 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Paul Martin Cadman

Appointment date: 2023-07-10


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 24 Feb 2023

Action Date: 24 Feb 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Bhanu Dhir

Termination date: 2023-02-24


View document PDF

Appoint person secretary company with name date

Date: 06 Jan 2023

Action Date: 04 Jan 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP03

Officer name: Ms Crystina Zoe Woolley

Appointment date: 2023-01-04


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 06 Jan 2023

Action Date: 04 Jan 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Caroline Hill

Termination date: 2023-01-04


View document PDF

Termination secretary company with name termination date

Date: 06 Jan 2023

Action Date: 04 Jan 2023

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM02

Officer name: Caroline Hill

Termination date: 2023-01-04


View document PDF

Accounts with accounts type small

Date: 05 Dec 2022

Action Date: 31 Mar 2022

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2022-03-31


View document PDF

Confirmation statement with no updates

Date: 24 Oct 2022

Action Date: 10 Oct 2022

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: CS01

Made up date: 2022-10-10


View document PDF

Termination secretary company with name termination date

Date: 02 Aug 2022

Action Date: 31 Jul 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM02

Officer name: Crystina Woolley

Termination date: 2022-07-31


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 14 Apr 2022

Action Date: 14 Apr 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Dr Richard William Fallon

Appointment date: 2022-04-14


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 14 Apr 2022

Action Date: 14 Apr 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Darren Roy Lake

Termination date: 2022-04-14


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 14 Apr 2022

Action Date: 14 Apr 2022

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Matthew James Green

Termination date: 2022-04-14


View document PDF

Statement of companys objects

Date: 15 Nov 2021

Category: Change-of-constitution

Type: CC04


View document PDF

Memorandum articles

Date: 15 Nov 2021

Category: Incorporation

Type: MA


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Accounts with accounts type small

Date: 09 Nov 2021

Action Date: 31 Mar 2021

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2021-03-31


View document PDF

Confirmation statement with no updates

Date: 21 Oct 2021

Action Date: 10 Oct 2021

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: CS01

Made up date: 2021-10-10


View document PDF

Change registered office address company with date old address new address

Date: 21 Oct 2021

Action Date: 21 Oct 2021

Category: Address

Type: AD01

Change date: 2021-10-21

Old address: Floor 9 Townend House Wisemore Walsall WS1 1NS England

New address: Floor 6 Townend House Floor 6 Townend House Park Street Walsall West Midlands WS1 1NS


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 15 Sep 2021

Action Date: 05 Sep 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Neil Joseph Davies

Termination date: 2021-09-05


View document PDF

Change person director company with change date

Date: 07 Jul 2021

Action Date: 07 Jul 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: CH01

Change date: 2021-07-07

Officer name: Mrs Kathyrn Craigie


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 07 Jul 2021

Action Date: 07 Jul 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mrs Kathyrn Craigie

Appointment date: 2021-07-07


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 07 Jul 2021

Action Date: 07 Jul 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mrs Sarah Ann Stocks

Appointment date: 2021-07-07


View document PDF

Appoint person secretary company with name date

Date: 07 Jul 2021

Action Date: 07 Jul 2021

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP03

Officer name: Mrs Crystina Woolley

Appointment date: 2021-07-07


View document PDF

Accounts with accounts type small

Date: 01 Dec 2020

Action Date: 31 Mar 2020

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2020-03-31


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 06 Nov 2020

Action Date: 05 Nov 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Darren Roy Lake

Appointment date: 2020-11-05


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 06 Nov 2020

Action Date: 06 Nov 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Robert Malcolm Thomas

Termination date: 2020-11-06


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 06 Nov 2020

Action Date: 06 Nov 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Mike Gahir

Termination date: 2020-11-06


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 06 Nov 2020

Action Date: 06 Nov 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Paul Martin Cadman

Termination date: 2020-11-06


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 06 Nov 2020

Action Date: 06 Nov 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Neil Joseph Davies

Appointment date: 2020-11-06


View document PDF

Confirmation statement with no updates

Date: 23 Oct 2020

Action Date: 10 Oct 2020

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: CS01

Made up date: 2020-10-10


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 24 Sep 2020

Action Date: 24 Sep 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Matthew James Green

Appointment date: 2020-09-24


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 25 Feb 2020

Action Date: 24 Feb 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mrs Caroline Hill

Appointment date: 2020-02-24


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 24 Feb 2020

Action Date: 24 Feb 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Bhanu Dhir

Appointment date: 2020-02-24


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 24 Feb 2020

Action Date: 11 Feb 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Neil Gwynne Pulker

Termination date: 2020-02-11


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 24 Feb 2020

Action Date: 10 Feb 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Alan William Bradley

Termination date: 2020-02-10


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 15 Jan 2020

Action Date: 03 Jan 2020

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Dalvinder Singh Shoker

Termination date: 2020-01-03


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Accounts with accounts type small

Date: 02 Dec 2019

Action Date: 31 Mar 2019

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2019-03-31


View document PDF

Notification of a person with significant control

Date: 28 Nov 2019

Action Date: 03 Oct 2019

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Notifications

Type: PSC02

Psc name: Steps to Work (Walsall) Ltd

Notification date: 2019-10-03


View document PDF

Cessation of a person with significant control

Date: 28 Nov 2019

Action Date: 03 Oct 2019

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Termination

Type: PSC07

Psc name: Neil Gwynne Pulker

Cessation date: 2019-10-03


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 11 Oct 2019

Action Date: 10 Oct 2019

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Matthew James Collingwood

Termination date: 2019-10-10


View document PDF

Confirmation statement with no updates

Date: 10 Oct 2019

Action Date: 10 Oct 2019

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: CS01

Made up date: 2019-10-10


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 26 Jul 2019

Action Date: 15 Jul 2019

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Susan Meryl Wood

Termination date: 2019-07-15


View document PDF

Change registered office address company with date old address new address

Date: 07 May 2019

Action Date: 07 May 2019

Category: Address

Type: AD01

Change date: 2019-05-07

Old address: Challenge Building Hatherton Road Walsall West Midlands WS1 1XS

New address: Floor 9 Townend House Wisemore Walsall WS1 1NS


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 02 Apr 2019

Action Date: 02 Apr 2019

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Alan William Bradley

Appointment date: 2019-04-02


View document PDF

Cessation of a person with significant control

Date: 28 Mar 2019

Action Date: 27 Mar 2019

Category: Persons-with-significant-control

Sub Category: Termination

Type: PSC07

Psc name: James Laurence Walsh

Cessation date: 2019-03-27


View document PDF

Confirmation statement with no updates

Date: 29 Nov 2018

Action Date: 11 Oct 2018

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: CS01

Made up date: 2018-10-11


View document PDF

Accounts with accounts type small

Date: 08 Nov 2018

Action Date: 31 Mar 2018

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2018-03-31


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 25 Jan 2018

Action Date: 25 Jan 2018

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Sanjay Mistry

Termination date: 2018-01-25


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 25 Jan 2018

Action Date: 25 Jan 2018

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Dalvinder Singh Shoker

Appointment date: 2018-01-25


View document PDF

Accounts with accounts type small

Date: 14 Dec 2017

Action Date: 31 Mar 2017

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2017-03-31


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 06 Dec 2017

Action Date: 06 Dec 2017

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Vera May Birch

Termination date: 2017-12-06


View document PDF

Confirmation statement with no updates

Date: 12 Oct 2017

Action Date: 11 Oct 2017

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: CS01

Made up date: 2017-10-11


View document PDF

Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 29 Sep 2017

Action Date: 29 Sep 2017

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Kofi Okra Aboagye

Termination date: 2017-09-29


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 16 Aug 2017

Action Date: 15 Aug 2017

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Mike Gahir

Appointment date: 2017-08-15


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 16 Aug 2017

Action Date: 16 Aug 2017

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Kofi Okra Aboagye

Appointment date: 2017-08-16


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 16 Aug 2017

Action Date: 16 Aug 2017

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Sanjay Mistry

Appointment date: 2017-08-16


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 16 Aug 2017

Action Date: 16 Aug 2017

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Paul Cadman

Appointment date: 2017-08-16


View document PDF

Termination secretary company with name termination date

Date: 01 Aug 2017

Action Date: 26 Jul 2017

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM02

Officer name: Susan Dimmock

Termination date: 2017-07-26


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Appoint person secretary company with name date

Date: 28 Jul 2017

Action Date: 27 Jul 2017

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP03

Officer name: Mrs Caroline Hill

Appointment date: 2017-07-27


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Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 24 Mar 2017

Action Date: 23 Mar 2017

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Matthew James Collingwood

Appointment date: 2017-03-23


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Change person secretary company with change date

Date: 27 Jan 2017

Action Date: 26 Jan 2017

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: CH03

Change date: 2017-01-26

Officer name: Ms Susan Brookes


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Accounts with accounts type full

Date: 03 Nov 2016

Action Date: 31 Mar 2016

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2016-03-31


View document PDF

Confirmation statement with updates

Date: 20 Oct 2016

Action Date: 11 Oct 2016

Category: Confirmation-statement

Type: CS01

Made up date: 2016-10-11


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 14 Mar 2016

Action Date: 17 Sep 2015

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Neil Gwynne Pulker

Appointment date: 2015-09-17


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Termination director company with name termination date

Date: 13 Nov 2015

Action Date: 23 Oct 2015

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Martin Graham Robertson

Termination date: 2015-10-23


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Annual return company with made up date full list shareholders

Date: 20 Oct 2015

Action Date: 11 Oct 2015

Category: Annual-return

Type: AR01

Made up date: 2015-10-11


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Accounts with accounts type full

Date: 19 Oct 2015

Action Date: 31 Mar 2015

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2015-03-31


View document PDF

Termination secretary company with name termination date

Date: 24 Mar 2015

Action Date: 24 Mar 2015

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM02

Officer name: John Brewer

Termination date: 2015-03-24


View document PDF

Appoint person secretary company with name date

Date: 24 Mar 2015

Action Date: 19 Mar 2015

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP03

Officer name: Ms Susan Brookes

Appointment date: 2015-03-19


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Accounts with accounts type full

Date: 09 Jan 2015

Action Date: 31 Mar 2014

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2014-03-31


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name date

Date: 11 Dec 2014

Action Date: 11 Dec 2014

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mr Robert Malcolm Thomas

Appointment date: 2014-12-11


View document PDF

Annual return company with made up date full list shareholders

Date: 10 Dec 2014

Action Date: 11 Oct 2014

Category: Annual-return

Type: AR01

Made up date: 2014-10-11


View document PDF

Annual return company with made up date full list shareholders

Date: 15 Oct 2013

Action Date: 11 Oct 2013

Category: Annual-return

Type: AR01

Made up date: 2013-10-11


View document PDF

Accounts with accounts type full

Date: 11 Oct 2013

Action Date: 31 Mar 2013

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2013-03-31


View document PDF

Termination director company with name

Date: 11 Oct 2013

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Mary Clarke- Mortiboys


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Appoint person director company with name

Date: 19 Jun 2013

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mrs Susan Meryl Wood


View document PDF

Appoint person director company with name

Date: 07 Jun 2013

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Appointments

Type: AP01

Officer name: Mrs Mary Clarke- Mortiboys


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Termination director company with name

Date: 07 Jun 2013

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: Thomas Ansell


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Accounts with accounts type full

Date: 19 Oct 2012

Action Date: 31 Mar 2012

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2012-03-31


View document PDF

Annual return company with made up date full list shareholders

Date: 17 Oct 2012

Action Date: 11 Oct 2012

Category: Annual-return

Type: AR01

Made up date: 2012-10-11


View document PDF

Accounts with accounts type full

Date: 04 Nov 2011

Action Date: 31 Mar 2011

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2011-03-31


View document PDF

Annual return company with made up date full list shareholders

Date: 19 Oct 2011

Action Date: 11 Oct 2011

Category: Annual-return

Type: AR01

Made up date: 2011-10-11


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Termination director company with name

Date: 10 May 2011

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Termination

Type: TM01

Officer name: David Wheeler


View document PDF

Annual return company with made up date full list shareholders

Date: 14 Oct 2010

Action Date: 11 Oct 2010

Category: Annual-return

Type: AR01

Made up date: 2010-10-11


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Change person director company with change date

Date: 14 Oct 2010

Action Date: 12 Oct 2010

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: CH01

Change date: 2010-10-12

Officer name: David John Wheeler


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Accounts with accounts type full

Date: 12 Oct 2010

Action Date: 31 Mar 2010

Category: Accounts

Type: AA

Made up date: 2010-03-31


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Change person director company with change date

Date: 21 Sep 2010

Action Date: 08 Sep 2010

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: CH01

Change date: 2010-09-08

Officer name: Councillor Thomas Gordon Ansell


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Change person director company with change date

Date: 21 Sep 2010

Action Date: 08 Sep 2010

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: CH01

Change date: 2010-09-08

Officer name: Vera May Birch


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Change person director company with change date

Date: 21 Sep 2010

Action Date: 08 Sep 2010

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: CH01

Change date: 2010-09-08

Officer name: Martin Graham Robertson


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Change person director company with change date

Date: 21 Sep 2010

Action Date: 08 Sep 2010

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: CH01

Change date: 2010-09-08

Officer name: David John Wheeler


View document PDF

Change person secretary company with change date

Date: 15 Sep 2010

Action Date: 08 Sep 2010

Category: Officers

Sub Category: Change

Type: CH03

Change date: 2010-09-08

Officer name: John Brewer


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Some Companies



Category:Private Limited Company



Category:Private Limited Company



Category:Private Limited Company



Category:Private Limited Company



Category:Private Limited Company



Category:Private Limited Company

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