2 King Edward Street, London, England
Company No.02300327
CategoryPrivate Limited Company
Incorporated27 Sep 1988
Age35 years, 9 months, 8 days
JurisdictionEngland Wales
Dissolution22 Mar 2010
Years14 years, 3 months, 14 days


RUBY AIRCRAFT LEASING AND TRADING LIMITED is an dissolved private limited company with number 02300327. It was incorporated 35 years, 9 months, 8 days ago, on 27 September 1988 and it was dissolved 14 years, 3 months, 14 days ago, on 22 March 2010. The company address is 2 King Edward Street, London, England.

Company Charges

Owners first mortgage no 7677

Created on 13 Jul 1990

Delivered on 17 Jul 1990

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

National Westminster Bank PLC

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of a loan and guarantee agreement no 7677 dated 21-7-89 and the security documents

Short Particulars

All the companys present & future right and interest in a boeing model 767-336ER aircraft manufacturers serial number 24339 and registration mark a-bnwg and associated engines (see form 395 ref M42 for details).


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Owners first mortgage no 7676

Created on 23 Jun 1990

Delivered on 27 Jun 1990

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

National Westminster Bank(As Defined).as Agent and Paying Agent for the Benificiaries

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of a loan and guaranteee agreement no 7676 dated 21/7/89 and the security documents

Short Particulars

All the companys present and future right and interest in a boeing model 767-336ER aircraft manufacturers serial number 24338 and registration mark g-bnwf and the associated engines (see form 395 ref M79 for full details).


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Created on 18 Jun 1990

Delivered on 09 Jul 1990

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the loan agreement and the security documents.

Short Particulars

All the company's right title and interest present & future in and to an arising under or in respect of the amended & restated lease agreement dated 18-6-90 & all moneys payable thereunder.


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Created on 18 Jun 1990

Delivered on 09 Jul 1990

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the loan agreement and the security documents

Short Particulars

All the company's right title and interest present & future in and to or arising under or in respect of the amended and restated LEA0E agreements dated 18-6-90 & all moneys payable thereunder.


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Owners first mortgage no 7671

Created on 25 Apr 1990

Delivered on 02 May 1990

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

National Westminster Bank PLC

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee as agent and paying agent for the beneficiaries (as defined) under the terms of a loan and guarantee agreement no 7671 dated 21/7/89, the security documents and/or this mortgage.

Short Particulars

All the companys present & future right and interest in a boeing model 767-336ER aircraft manufacturers serial no 24333 and reigstration mark g-bnwa (see form 395 ref M169 for full details).


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First mortgage no 7675

Created on 18 Mar 1990

Delivered on 26 Mar 1990

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

National Westminster Bank PLC

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of a loan agreement dated 21/7/89 and the security documents

Short Particulars

All present & future right and interest in a boeing model 767-336ER. Aircraft manufacturers serial no 24337 and registration mark g-bnwe. See form 395 (ref 118)for full details.


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Mortgage no 7674

Created on 27 Feb 1990

Delivered on 19 Mar 1990

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

National Westminster Bank PLC

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee as agents and paying agent under the terms of a loan agreement dated 21-7-89 and the security documents (as defined)

Short Particulars

All the companies present and future rights and interest in a boeing model 767-336ER aircraft see form 395 (ref 747C) for full details.


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Owners first mortgage no. 7673

Created on 21 Feb 1990

Delivered on 26 Feb 1990

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

National Westminster Bank PLC

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of a loan agreement no 7673 dated 21/7/89

Short Particulars

All the company's present & future right & interest in a boeing 767-336ER aircraft manufacturers serial no.24335 And reg mark:g-bnwc and the associated engines namely (a) two rolls royce model RB211-524H aircraft no.13405 And 13406 (for more details see form 395 ref. 207C).


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First mortgage

Created on 09 Feb 1990

Delivered on 12 Feb 1990

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

National Westminster Bank PLC

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of a loan agreement & guarantee agreement no 7672 dated 21/7/89 and the security documents

Short Particulars

All the comapny's present & future right & interest in a boeing model 767-336ER aircraft manufacturers serial no 24334 and reg mark a-bnwb. (See form 395 ref M214).


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Supplemental deed

Created on 07 Feb 1990

Delivered on 22 Feb 1990

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

National Westminster Bank PLC

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due from the company and/or all or any of the other companies named therein to the chargee under the terms of this deed

Short Particulars

All right title and interest as specified on form M395, ref M473.


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Owners security assignment

Created on 21 Jul 1989

Delivered on 08 Aug 1989

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

National Westminster Bank PLC

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargees under the terms of the loan agreement of even date and the security documents

Short Particulars

All rubys rights title and interest in respect of the aircraft lease agreement no 7673 dated 21ST july 1989 (for more details see form 395 ref M65).


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Owners security assignment

Created on 21 Jul 1989

Delivered on 08 Aug 1989

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

National Westminster Bank PLC

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargees under the terms of the loan agreement of even date and the security documents

Short Particulars

All ruby's rights, title and interest in respect of the aircraft lease agreement no 7674 dated 21ST july 1989 (for more details see form 395 ref M64).


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Owners security assignment

Created on 21 Jul 1989

Delivered on 08 Aug 1989

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

National Westminster Bank PLC

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargees under the terms of the loan agreement of even date and the security documents

Short Particulars

All ruby's rights title and interest in respect of the aircraft lease agreement no 7676 dated 21ST july 1989 (for more details see form 395 ref M62).


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Owners security assignment

Created on 21 Jul 1989

Delivered on 08 Aug 1989

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

National Westminster Bank PLC

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the loan agreement of even date and the security documents

Short Particulars

All ruby's rights, title and interest in respect of the aircraft lease agreement no 7677 dated 21ST july 1989 (for more details see form 395 ref M61).


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Aircraft mortgage

Created on 19 Mar 1989

Delivered on 31 Mar 1989

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

The Mitzubishi Trust & Banking Corporation

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due form the company to the chargees under the terms of the loan agreement dated 17.3.89 or any of the security documents.

Short Particulars

All right title & interest of the company in & to british aerospace 1-11 501 ex aircraft serial no 177 UK reg mark g-awyu (for full details see form 395 ref M54A lease in respect of BAC1-11 501EX aircraft serial no 191 UK reg mark g-axjk (for full details see form 395 ref M55).


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Aircraft mortgage

Created on 19 Mar 1989

Delivered on 31 Mar 1989

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

The Mitzubishi Trust & Banking Corporation

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargees under the terms of the loan agreement dated 17.3.89 or any of the security documents.

Short Particulars

All right title & interest of the company in & to british aerospace 1-11 501EX aircraft serial no 177 UK reg mark g-awyu (for full details see form 395 ref M54).


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Aircraft mortgage

Created on 19 Mar 1989

Delivered on 31 Mar 1989

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

The Mitzubishi Trust & Banking Corporation

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of the loan agreement dated 17/3/89 or any of the security document.

Short Particulars

All right title & interest of the company's & to briton air space 1-11 - 501 ex aircraft serial no 191 UK reg mark g-axjk (for full details see form 395 ref M56).


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Created on 17 Mar 1989

Delivered on 31 Mar 1989

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

The Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargee under the terms of a loan agreement dated 17TH march 1989 or any of the security documents.

Short Particulars

All the company's rights, title benefit and interest, present and future, in, to and under, or in respect of the lease in respect of a bac 1-11-501 ex aircraft manufacturer's serial no. 177 and UK registration mark g-awyu. (For full details see form 395 ref: M52.).


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Owners security assignment

Created on 21 Feb 1989

Delivered on 08 Aug 1989

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

National Westminster Bank PLC

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargees under the terms of the loan agreement of even date and the security documents

Short Particulars

All rubys rights title and interest in respect of the aircraft lease agreement no 7671 dated 21ST july 1989 (for more details see form 395 ref M67).


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Owners security assignment

Created on 21 Feb 1989

Delivered on 08 Aug 1989

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

National Westminster Bank PLC

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargees under the terms of the loan agreement of even date and the security documents

Short Particulars

All rubys rights title and interest in respect of the aircraft lease agreement no 7672 dated 21ST july 1989 (for more details see form 395 ref M66).


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Owners security assignment

Created on 21 Feb 1989

Delivered on 08 Aug 1989

Status fully-satisfied

Persons Entitled

National Westminster Bank PLC

Amount Secured

All monies due or to become due from the company to the chargees under the terms of the loan agreement of even date and the security documents

Short Particulars

All rubys rights title and interest in respect of the aircraft lease agreement no 7675 dated 21ST july 1989 (for more details see form 395 ref M63).


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